Our Studio
Patrisius Marvin Dalimartha, IAI
Principal Architect
Marvin is a licensed architect. He started his career in Chicago, United States. There he learned about building technologies, such as photovoltaic installation, and design communication skills, which he gained from working at John Ronan Architects, one of the award winning local architects in Chicago. Upon his arrival in Indonesia in 2008, he started working for Total Bangun Persada, one of the most respected construction companies in the nation. At Total BP he spent much of his hours studying and understanding the local building industry and method. After two years of gaining his experience on how a building was put together, he decided to go back to his root, which was design. In 2010 he joined PTI Architects, Jakarta as an architect. At PTI Architects, he was in charge on several commercial and public building projects, which includes PIK Mall, The Gateway at Taman Mini, Golden Kawanua Manado, Pondok Indah and Jalan Jaksa energy efficient office project, French Embassy Jakarta competition, and Nike Factory Karawang.
In 2012 he decided to focus on his own personal projects which he had started since 2008, and established Studio Lawang. Studio Lawang has collaborated on several projects with Wastu Adi Olahrupa, such as Surabaya Hotel, Bogor Hotel, and Ebony Hotel-Batulicin. With Studio Lawang, Marvin has the opportunity to explore different types and scales of project, from furniture, interior, residential, religious, public to commercial building.
As an architect he believes that architecture has to be responsive of its site. It has to be sensitive to its context, sunlight orientation, and the impact it might have. In addition to being responsive to its site, he also believes that a building has to be energy efficient. Energy efficiency by means of passive methods, such as cross ventilation, natural sunlight, filtering the sunlight where necessary, and maximum green areas are what he always strive for in each of his project, small or large scale. To him, energy efficiency is something that needs to be strived for, simply because it is his responsibility as an architect to produce a building that has minimum impact to the environment.
Being educated in the school which Mies van der Rohe—one the fathers of modern architecture who paid so much of his attention to detail–had started, Illinois Institute of Technology, and having small design studio experience at John Ronan Architect, has given him so much interest in the development of detail in each of his project, both large and small.
His experience and involvement on various scales, types and phases of projects—from concept to completion, his attention to detail and energy efficiency has made him a well rounded and rigorous architect.
Dicky Santosa Tanumihardja
Principal Urban Designer
Dicky is a Lecturer in Architecture at Pelita Harapan University (www.uph.edu), Indonesia. He received his Bachelor’s of Engineering (in Architecture) from Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung and Master’s of Engineering (in Urban Design) from Institute of Technology, Bandung. Prior to joining UPH, he served as an urban designer at a prominent architecture consulting in Bandung, Indonesia called URBANE (www.urbane.co.id). His main interest in community development has led him to conduct several community-based architecture projects for creating community facilities in Bandung, Lombok, and Wakatobi. These works have been published in ‘Design For Humanity’ by URBANE Indonesia. He also volunteered designing house with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and continue the community based planning research with them.
Together with other Indonesian community architects and students, he has been involved with various community projects including Mauk village kindergarten and ‘Kampung Kejepit’ development. He believe that the best architectural value lies in the design that empowers people.
Bennedictus Bagustantyo
Architectural Designer
Bennedictus Bagustantyo received his Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in April 2018. He had several organizations experiences during his time in university, such as becoming architecture student’s senator and a pioneer for a non-formal school called Sekolah Hijau Lestari. He has a strong passion for the locality on appropriate architecture, urban design, and public development issues.
Ilya Saptarini
Architectural Designer
Ilya finished her bachelor’s degree in Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung in 2020. During her studies period, she was active and given many opportunities to take some roles, such as an Organization’s Head of Research and Development, and successfully conduct various organizational programs as a Coordinator.
Regarding her interest in the field of Architecture, Research, and Urban Design, Ilya has volunteered in several development programs and research until now